Friday, February 27, 2009

Funny (Part 1 of many more)

I found some funny shit that I wanna share with you.Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
C'mmon have a laugh don't be uptight!


.beee. said...

Oh man! hah! The stuff that people can find nowadays; it's crazy! Loved all of these. Gave me a good laugh this morning, thanks! =)

Richard said...

You have a great selection of signs.

Poseidon Monacular said...

Did you find those on StumbleUpon? I remember seeing a few of em before. They're still funny, though.

Ed Ngai said...

love the cat in the hat one!

Shania said...

Thanks guys (girls included) for the comments. I am glad that you guys had a good laugh after all not everything has to be so serious ;)

Deft Digits: I found most of these pictures on youtube from a video called "funnyclean picture montage" and from the choices that you get at the end of the video.

I also found some really funny signs at I downloaded some of the pictures but came out really small,very hard to read. Check out that site,its pretty cool

