Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friends and Favorite's Award

A while back I received the friends and favorite’s award from my friend William H. Balzac [Author of “The wind shall hear my words] thanks Will. Please check out his blog Vice and Verses, a blog about poetry, music and so much more.
I would like to pass on this award to exceptional human beings whose blogs have taught and inspired me in more than one way. Some how I feel a close relationship with these individuals, a relationship that goes beyond the borders of race, creed, sexual preferences, socioeconomic issues and geographical location.

Alpha B. Push The Button Alpha And Induced Metamorphosis

Faker What If? and Fake Fiction


The “U” (Yes, I know you did not want an award but I couldn’t help myself …)

Alena Rosa


Vixen Kitten A Grateful Heart and Journey Of My Heart


Here are the rules:

“These blogs are exceedingly
charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”


AlenaRosa said...

This is an honor. Thank you so much lady<3 I'm so grateful for all the feedback and support!

Andrea said...

Thank you my little bloggy sister :)

.beee. said...

AW! Thank you so much! Your blog is amazing and I truly appreciate this!

Ed Ngai said...

I always loved popping over to your blog! Thank you for the award. Coming from you, its like cherry pie... always appreciated!! ;)

Christine said...

First .... congratulations .... well deserved because you write, blog, and share from the heart :O)

Second ... well shoot, thank you very much, I'm a little flustered ...a little bouncy ... and very honored ... thank you my friend.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Congrats on your awards girl...and such a nice way to pass them on! I'm new to your blog-found you on 20 somethings...and I love it!!! XO

Thomas said...

How is your week going?

Shania said...

Alpha,Bee,AlenaRosa and Christine: Thank "you" the pleasure is mine..thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

Faker: LOL you are hilarious man!

Elizabeth Marie: thank you for following me. you got a nice fun blog.

Thomas: My week is going fine thanks for asking how about yours? Working on some funny entries? Love your blog.

